Bon appetite ¡Buen Provecho!

Spanish Right Away Bon appetite Buen provecho familia comiendo

¡Buen Provecho!” – Enjoy your meal.

Spanish is a polite language and it’s important to learn relevant etiquette words and phrases. “Buen Provecho”, Bon Appetite, is part of the polite protocol in Spanish.

The verb “Aprovechar” means to take advantage of, In this case to enjoy a meal.
Uses: Sometimes people use it to kick off eating or when approaching somebody that is already eating. The waitress/waiter may say it after bringing your meal, etc.

¡Buen apetito! is a variation, means good appetite, and it’s used the same way.


Bon Appetite! Let’s start eating, before it get’s cold.
¡Buen Provecho! Empecemos a comer antes de que se enfríe.

The meal is served bon appetite to everybody!
La comida está servida. ¡Buen provecho a todos!

More “How to Say”

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