What are the uses of Por and Para? Por & Para have many uses in Spanish and they may be translated in different ways. Sometimes as “for”, some other times as “in order to”, and other times… It’s not always very clear how they work, Let’s clarify them by starting with use #1 “Desplazamiento“.
#1 use Desplazamiento: IN THE DIRECTION OF vs THROUGH
One of the uses of “Para” is “in the direction of” a place, goal, etc. It’s very specific.
While one of the uses of “Por” is to go “through“, or “among”. It’s indefinite.
Mi negocio va para adelante. Mi business moves forward.
Esto no va para ningún lado. This isn’t going anywhere.
Voy para tu casa. I am going to (towards) you home.
El bañó está por allí. The bathroom is over there (that way).
Mi teléfono tiene que estar por aquí. My phone has to be around here somewhere.
Voy a ir por la carretera. I am taking the freeway.